Constantly smiling, born and raised Savo-region guy who as a kid wanted to be suited up when entering the work life. Currently prefers more leisure outfits but still sticks with business casuals.

The most logical way to get suited up was through business education – so off there he aimed at. Would not change a day.

During studies could not figure out an occupation; aimed at consulting. Would change a couple of the longest days. Although, would not prefer doing anything else besides consultative work.

Hates the saying ”you need to go the extra mile” although loves the thinking behind the saying. Goes the extra mile when needed.

Was once asked in a job interview ”what makes you tick?”; didn’t understand the question. Currently does. Would answer something along the following lines:
– Feelings of accomplishment
– Putting the utmost effort into important tasks
– Surrounding himself with smarter people than he is

Believes that rewards will be waiting for those who deserve it. Knows that unknown amount of extra miles is needed to reach the reward. Does not know his reward nor the length of the journey yet. Does not even want to know.

Wants to enjoy the journey and knows that Aamu Partners is the right track. Would not change a day at Aamu Partners.


For most of our clients Clarity brings way more clarity than we are able to communicate. Check out our feed or website for more information – or get in touch for a chat.

As a company Aamu Partners promises you results. As an individual I promise you my best effort. Commonly the results follow the effort. And that is how it should always be.

+358 40 1687 274