Health and wellbeing companies, take your businesses to next level and compete for 1 million euros

Health and Wellbeing is the world’s biggest industry which grows over 5 percent per year. There is enormous demand for new innovative solutions from this business field both in Finland but also in global markets. In spring 2019 Salivirta & Partners, Central Finland Health Care District, Business Jyväskylä’s Hippos2020 -project, Business Kuopio and Upgraded are joining their forces to support Finnish health and wellbeing companies’ success and growth. Together with Kasvu Open they are executing Future Health and Wellbeing -Kasvupolku® program which is targeted for small and medium sized companies operating in health and wellbeing from pre-care to post-care. The program offers top coaching, valuable networks and true business opportunities for 15-25 growth-hungry companies with the most potential from this business field.

Kasvupolku® partners are looking for growth companies in a wide scale from both health and life science and wellbeing. From health and life sciences field partners are interested in example solutions regarding medical imaging and health informatics, customer and service providers interactions, patient’s clinical pathways, digital customer service, education, patient coaching, medical devices and robotics. From wellbeing field themes like digital solutions for rehabilitation, sport as medication, physiotherapy and gamification arise interest.

Future Health and Wellbeing -Kasvupolku® has been executed for few years and it has accelerated already 85 companies’ growth. Last year’s program’s winner Popit proceeded among the top 4 companies in national Kasvu Open competition. Their solution for improving adherence includes pill tracker, engaging app and cloud service.

”One of the greatest benefits from Kasvu Open was polishing our pitching by utilizing the feedback we received from the growth experts. We also met many interesting growth experts and received some truly valuable tips. During the Kasvu Open process we developed a lot as a company.” tells the founder of Popit Oy, Timo Heikkilä.

What Future Health and Wellbeing -Kasvupolku® program includes?

Application time to the program is open till 17th of April. After application period partner jury will select 15-25 companies to the program. Jury will evaluate applicants based on the credibility and scalability of their business idea, the desire and potential to grow both nationally and globally and credence of the team. The selected companies will get two days high quality challenging and coaching for their business and growth plan. During the days they will have in total 10 one-to-one meeting with growth experts from different business field (for example, health and weillbeing industry, strategy, sales and marketing, internationalization, financing and leadership). These days are organized 22th of May in Jyväskylä and 5th of June in Espoo.  In the end of the second day partner jury will select two winners which will proceed to the national competition of Kasvu Open.

This year Kasvu Open offers also unique possibility to receive million-euro funding award to accelerate the development and growth of one growth company participated in Kasvu Open. The award is offered by Innovestor and Nordea and it will be presented, for the very first time, at the Kasvu Open Carnival 2019. Funding consists of Innovestor’s equity investment worth 500,000 euros and Nordea’s business growth loan worth 500,000 euros.

More information regarding the project you can find from the program’s websites.

And you can send your application to the program through:

Project managers:

Satu Haka, Kasvun Roihu Oy, p. 050 3048779

Reetta Tehomaa, Kasvun Roihu Oy, p. 040 845 1589,